Nominated 2024

Bentwood Chair 214

Thonet GmbH

The famous ‘214’ coffee house chair by Thonet is an icon and is still very popular today. It marked the beginning of the history of modern furniture. It was based on a new technique, the bending of solid wood, which Michael Thonet further developed in the 1850s and thus made series production possible in the first place. With its clear, minimalist aesthetics and durability, this classic has found its place in a wide variety of environments for over 160 years.

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Break-up Lab

Sophia Reißenweber | Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle

Polyester is found in two out of three items of clothing. But while global demand for synthetic fibres continues to rise, their production consumes valuable resources. Can organisms help us to initiate fibre-to-fibre recycling strategies and develop sustainable material practices? The ‘Break-up Lab’ researches the potential of the enzymatic degradation of polyester fibres in used textiles and develops recyclable garments.

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CareGo Case for diabetics

Sanofi-aventis Deutschland GmbH

‘CareGo’ is a modular hard case system for diabetics for storing, handling and transporting reusable insulin pens, insulin cartridges and injection needles. All ‘CareGo’ modules are made entirely from recycled material from the disposable ‘SoloStar’ pen. This makes a significant contribution to the circular economy in the healthcare sector.

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Entopolis - A Serious Game

Anne Carolin Klosson | ecosign / Akademie für Gestaltung

‘Entopolis’ is an environmental education game for teenagers and young adults. The aim is to build an insect state, increase biodiversity and ward off dangers. All printed materials are free of fossil raw materials. The game is durable, repairable, resource-efficient, made from renewable raw materials and recyclable. The cooperation project with the NABU nature conservation centre raises awareness, provides recommendations for action and promotes awareness for the protection of insects in everyday life.

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Enzymatic textile recycling

Re-Fresh Global

Only 20% of textile waste is recycled and only 1% of this is suitable for the production of new garments, meaning that 80% of textile waste ends up in incineration plants. Using a biotechnological enzymatic hydrolysis process, ‘Re-Fresh Global’ can convert almost all used textiles into new raw materials such as nanocellulose, bioethanol and synthetic nonwovens. Areas of application include various branches of industry. The aim of the project is a microfactory located where the textile waste is produced.

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Garage additions

Falk Schneemann Architektur

In Karlsruhe, living space was created by adding storeys to an existing garage complex as a redensification in a large post-war housing estate. No new surfaces were sealed for the project; the timber frame construction is recyclable and can be relocated. The prototypical project utilises alternative land resources that are abundant in our cities and makes a significant contribution to sustainable construction.

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Globetrotter RE:THINK Store

Globetrotter Ausrüstung GmbH

Globetrotter's ‘RE:THINK Store’ places the reuse of existing materials at the centre of the redesign and focuses on the best possible recycling. Globetrotter is taking a new approach with ‘RE:THINK’, because real sustainability means reusing old and existing materials instead of using new, innovative materials. The future-orientated project was created in a former CONRADS store.

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HANSA APZ 1003 series

HANSA – Maschinenbau Vertriebs- und Fertigungs GmbH

The ‘HANSA APZ 1003’ series of municipal appliance carriers sets standards in terms of durability, reparability and low consumption. The ‘3W+’ concept enables a greater variety of products with lower resource consumption, efficient assembly, consistent repairability and a long service life. Thanks to simple remanufacturing, resale has become part of HANSA's business model.

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Kynd Hair - plant-based synthetic hair

Kynd Hair GmbH

‘Kynd Hair’ has developed the first plastic-free synthetic hair in Europe and is therefore specifically aimed at the needs of Black people, as every second Black woman regularly wears synthetic hair. However, existing products consist of toxic, carcinogenic chemicals and are not recyclable. This results in many tonnes of plastic waste every year. ‘Kynd Hair’ solves this problem with a new hair fibre that is plant-based, pollutant-free and biodegradable.

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Raumideen GmbH & Co KG

Thanks to its replaceable batteries, the ‘ONOX’ electric tractor enables farms to work completely self-sufficiently and independently of fluctuating diesel prices, with no downtime during recharging. Many farms generate electricity using their own photovoltaic or biogas systems. ‘ONOX’ is a solution for utilising and storing self-generated electricity, even at locations with a low connected load. This leads to cost savings and greater independence.

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Pigmentura by CHT

CHT Germany GmbH

‘PIGMENTURA by CHT’ is an innovative, pigment-based dyeing process that requires neither water for soaping and rinsing nor energy for heating the dye liquor. Compared to other continuous dyeing processes, up to 96 % of water and 60 % of energy are saved. 60 % of the energy is saved. The development was carried out in co-operation with the international fashion company Inditex, whose aim is to save resources in textile production.

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R-concrete with 100% natural stone replacement

Büscher Unternehmensgrupppe

The ‘Büscher wall’ is an innovative solution in the construction industry that utilises 100% recycled material from building demolition, including the fines such as bricks, concrete and sand. This environmentally friendly innovation reduces the need for natural resources, promotes the circular economy and reduces waste and CO2 emissions. The components are specially designed for high load-bearing capacity and durability and are suitable for a wide range of construction projects.

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Rezip Zipper Repair Station

PCH Innovations

The ‘Rezip Zipper Repair Station’ consists of a series of ergonomic elements, including manual tools, semi-automatic modules and processes as well as an interactive repair guide. The aim is to facilitate quick and easy repairs or replacement of damaged or defective zips and avoid textile waste in the EU. The station was provided by STAM as part of the CISUTAC project co-financed by the EU.

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Schwalbe Green Marathon

Schwalbe – Ralf Bohle GmbH

Schwalbe's ‘Green Marathon’ is the world's first bicycle tyre made from used tyres. In addition to recycled carbon black from the Schwalbe recycling system, it is a pioneer in the industry in terms of sustainable innovation with natural rubber from fair trade and a total of 80 % recycled and renewable materials. This pays off in the life cycle assessment. Compared to its predecessor, it saves 41% CO2 equivalents without compromising on performance, durability and mileage.

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Sleep til InfinnaTM

ARMEDANGELS – Social Fashion Company GmbH

‘Sleep til InfinnaTM’ tackles the environmental crisis with the principle of the circular economy. The use of ‘InfinnaTM’ fibre, which is made from textile waste, results in special and sustainable sleepwear. As part of the Refuse, Rethink, Reduce and Recycle strategy, harmful ingredients are avoided and reuse is encouraged. With transparent practices and a sustainable style, this is a tangible example of the circular economy in the fashion industry.

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Soft Spot

Franziska Baumgartner | Akademie der Bildenden Künste München

Upholstered seating furniture is omnipresent in both private and public spaces, promising cosiness and comfort. But a look under the beautiful covers of our armchairs and sofas reveals the uncomfortable truth: synthetic foam, which is petroleum-based, barely recyclable and therefore no longer in keeping with the times in terms of ecological responsibility. ‘Soft Spot’ is an upholstered armchair that explores alternative ways of producing upholstery from natural, recyclable materials.

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PreZero Stiftung & Co. KG

The web-based solution ‘PreZero SPOT’ in cooperation with ‘Packaging Cockpit’ enables packaging manufacturers to make their portfolio more recyclable and to analyse it in terms of recyclability, life cycle assessment and packaging costs. ‘SPOT’ lists the aforementioned points and the associated costs such as plastic taxes and licence fees on a country-specific basis, thus enabling a Europe-wide comparison.

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Stadtgold: Pressed clay bricks

Micha Kretschmann & Christian Gäth | Technische Universität Berlin

Clay blocks, which are produced without additives, are low-energy and fully recyclable. They therefore pave the way for circular building practices. In terms of application, clay block masonry is comparable to bricks and sand-lime bricks and can therefore replace a large proportion of conventional masonry construction. The use of excavated building site material as a raw material conserves fresh resources, preserves landfill capacity and thus avoids land use conflicts.

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The turnaround for walls


The use of ‘STRAMEN.TEC’ products reduces the burden on the environment in terms of various life cycle assessment indicators. ‘STRAMEN.TEC partition walls’ consist mainly of local straw. During the production process, the original waste product from grain cultivation is utilised and pressed into solid panels under heat without the addition of adhesives. These are then laminated with recycled cardboard and sawn to size according to customer specifications.

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Tork PaperCircle®

Essity Professional Hygiene Germany GmbH

The service helps companies to close the recycling loop by recycling paper towels sustainably and with short transport routes into new hygiene paper products. This reduces the total amount of waste by up to 20% and the CO2 footprint by 40%. In the washrooms, the paper towels are collected separately in labelled containers, collected by a recycling partner, returned to the Essity plants and then reprocessed into hand drying paper.

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Visionary materials

BMW Group und BMW Group Designworks

How can seating surfaces be produced in a high-quality, resource-saving and recyclable manner? The BMW Group presents concrete applications of innovative materials and production processes that help to reduce CO2 emissions and increase the use of secondary materials. At the same time, the aim is to establish ideas for new, high-quality interior aesthetics for vehicles and to involve partners who have not previously cooperated with the automotive industry.

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Lea Bernhard | Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach

Extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall and increasingly intense periods of drought are occurring more and more frequently. In cities, this precarious situation is exacerbated by extensive soil sealing. The ‘water forest’ counteracts this problem by collecting rain and storing it for plant irrigation. Each tree in the ‘water forest’ can absorb up to 2,400 litres of water, which can be used for the surrounding vegetation. The forest also provides a pleasant place to spend time and invites people to linger.

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